1836 Jefferson County Tennessee TN Civil Districts Tax
$ 5.8
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Jefferson County 1836 Tennesee Civil Districts And Tax Lists31 Total Pages, 8.5"x11", Full Name Index, Softcover, Reprint
This unique publication ties the fifteen (15) "districts" of
County with tax listings from 1836, 1837, 1838, or 1839. By matching the tax list with the "
District Map
," a researcher can narrow the search for ancestors, eliminate those of similar names, and place ancestors in place and time.
For instance ... the town of "WHATEVER" is in District #6. Knowing this information allows a researcher to pinpoint cemeteries, churches, or surnames. The tax lists have been compiled from microfilm and are as faithful as possible to original spellings. A 'must-have' for
County researchers.
Surnames Included in this Publication
* After the surname indicates
over 5 DIFFERENT first names
are listed under the surname.
** After the surname indicates
over 10 DIFFERENT first names
are listed under the surname.
Adair, Adams, Adcock, Alderon, Alderson, Alexander, Aley, Allen, Anderon, Anderson*, Andrews, Angle, Archibald, Arms, Arnett, Ash, Ashmore, Austill, Austin, Ayres
Bailey, Baker*, Balch, Baldwin, Bales, Ballinger*, Barby, Bare, Barnes, Barnett, Barnetts, Barnner, Barns, Bartin, Barton, Bartons, Batch, Bates*, Battel, Bear, Beaty, Beckwell, Beeson, Bell*, Bennet, Bethell, Bettis**, Biddle, Biggs, Bird, Birdwell, Bishop, Black, Blackburn**, Blake, Blakely, Boles, Bowers, Bowman, Box, Boyd, Bradden, Bradford*, Bradley, Bradshaw*, Bragg, Branner*, Brannon, Branson, Brazelton, Breeden, Brick, Brimer, Briron, Brittin, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bruchner, Bunker, Burch, Burchfield, Burchfields, Burket, Burress
Caffin, Calahan, Caldwell**, Caldwells, Callen, Campbell**, Cannon*, Cardwell, Carey, Carmen, Carmichael, Carmile, Carmin, Carney, Carr, Carson, Carter*, Castiller, Caswell, Cate*, Cates, Cawen, Chambers, Chan, Chandler, Chaney, Chaneys, Chanley, Chase, Childers, Chilton, Chiltum, Chiser, Chism, Churchman*, Churchmans, Cledvenger, Clemmons, Clendenon, Clopton, Cluch, Cluck, Coffin, Coffman*, Coil, Colemon, Collins, Conlser, Conner, Conyers, Cooley, Coons, Cooper, Copland, Coppock, Corbel, Counts, Courtney, Cowan, Cox**, Coxs, Craig, Crawford, Crew, Crider, Crombly, Crosby, Cunningham, Curetin, Curnutt
Daily, Daniel, David, Davis**, Dawson, Day, Deadrick, Dean, Deaton, Denniston, Denson, Denton*, Dericun, Derrick, Dick, Dickey, Dickson, Dillard, Doan, Dobbins, Doggett, Donaldson, Doughty, Douglas, Douglass, Doward, Drake, Drinnen, Duke, Dunaway, Duncan, Dunkins, Dunn, Dunvidder, Dunwoody, Dyer, Dyke
Eaton, Eckle, Eckles, Edgar*, Edgaraas, Edmunds, Elder, Elliott*, Ellis, Ellison, Elmore**, Endaley, Ervin, Eslinger, Estis, Evans*
Fain, Fanning, Farmer, Farris, Felkner, Ferguson, Ferry, Fielding, Flatford, Flowers, Foster, Fox, Francis, Franklin*, Frazier, Fraziers, French, Fry, Fuller
Galssup, Garner, Garrett, Gass*, Gates, Gatlin, Gaul, Gentry, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gililand, Gillespie, Gilliland, Gist, Glover, Goforth, Goins, Golliher, Goodlin, Graggson, Graham*, Grant*, Green, Greenlee, Gregory*, Griffin, Grisham, Grist, Grubb, Grubbs, Gwin, Gwinn
Hadrin, Haggatt, Hale, Halimliler, Hall, Hamilton, Hammel, Hammer, Hammonds*, Hampton, Hance, Hancock, Hanes, Hankins, Harmon, Harris*, Harrison, Harte, Hasket, Hatcher, Haun**, Hawkins, Haworth*, Haynes, Hays*, Hazlewood, Headrick, Heath, Heckey, Hedges, Helms, Helton, Henderson*, Henly, Henry*, Henson, Hickey, Hickman*, Hightower, Hill*, Hinkle, Hinshaw, Hoard, Hodge, Hodgen, Hodgeon, Hodges*, Hogan, Holdaway, Holdeway, Holdeways, Holston, Hopkins, Horner*, Hoskins*, Housely, Howard, Howell, Howerton, Hozer*, Hubbs, Hudson, Huffard, Hull, Hulls, Humlbard, Hunter, Hurley, Hurt, Hutcheson, Hutchison, Hynds
Inman*, Inmans, Irvine, Irwin, Iva, Ivy
Jacob, Jacobs*, James, Janeway, Jarnagin*, Jenkins, Jennings, Jett, Jillett, Johnson*, Joiner, Jolly, Jones**
Keeney, Kelly, Kerkpatrick*, Ketner, Kidwell, Kilgore, Kimbrough*, Kimbroughs, King**, Kings, Kithenth, Knight, Kyle
Lafferty, Lamarr, Lambden, Landrew, Landrum, Lane**, Langdon, Laning, Lanning, Large, Larimore, Laugston, Laurence, Law, Lawrence, Lea*, Leath, Leeper, Legg, Lenin, Letchlites, Lewis**, Lindsey, Line, Linginfelter, Lock, Lockhart, Long, Longacre, Lotspeech, Love, Low, Lowry, Loyd, Lyle, Lyles, Lytchliter
McAlpin, McAndrew, McBee, McCall, McCampbell, McCarty, McChambers, McClannahan, McClister, McClure, McCormack, McCormick, McCoy, McCuistian, McCuistion, McCullough, McDaniel, McDonald, McFarland*, McGhee, McGuire, McGwin, McKee, McKenny, McKinney*, McKinneys, McKinnry, McKnight, McLaughlin, McMillion, McNiece, McSpadden*
Maddox, Magee, Maggott, Mahoney, Malcolm, Manard, Maner, Manly, Mansfield, Manson, Maples, Margraves, Mariene, Marion, Markall, Marshal, Marshall, Marshalls, Martin*, Martins, Matthew, Matthews, Maunson, Maze, Medows, Meek, Mendenhall, Mill, Miller*, Millikan*, Mills*, Minis, Mitchell, Mlanard, Moffett, Mofford, Moore**, Morgan, Morris, Moser*, Mosiers, Mouldin, Mount*, Moyers*, Mullens, Murphey, Murphy, Murree
Nance, Neal*, Nelly, Nelson, Nenney*, Newell, Newman**, Newton, Nicholson, Nicholsons, Night, Nix, Nolen, Northern*
Oaks, Odell, Oden, O'Howell, Ore, Ormonit, Overby, Owens
Palmer, Pangle*, Parks, Parrott, Parrotts, Pate*, Pates, Patitte, Patr, Patrick, Patterson, Pattersons, Patton, Payne, Peaman, Pearce, Peck*, Pecks, Peek, Perregrim, Perrin, Perryman, Petty, Phagan, Philips, Pierce* Pogue, Poindexter, Pollard, Poore, Pope, Porter, Potter, Powell, Previt, Proffitt, Province, Pullen, Purkepile, Pwell
Rader, Rainwater, Randolph, Rankin*, Rankins, Rash, Rawlings, Rayl, Read, Reece, Reese, Renean, Reneau, Reynolds, Rhoten, Rhoton, Rice*, Rices, Rich, Richey, Riddle, Riggins, Riggs*, Right, Rightsell, Riley, Rimmer, Rinehart, Rinehearts, Rippeto, obertson, Rodgers*, Rollands, Roper, Rosser, Routh, Russel, Russell, Russells, Ryans
Saffle, Sapiend, Sartin*, Scott, Scroggs, Sruggs, Scuggs, Sehorn, Sellars*, Sharp, Shawson, Sheddan*, Shelly, Shelton, Shepherd, Sherrod, Shewhart, Shidds, Shield, Shipley, Sitsellar, Skeen, Slover, Sluder, Smeltzer, Smith*, Snead, Snoddy, Snodgrass, Snyder, Soleman, Solomon, Sparks, Spears, Spencer, Squibb, Stagmer, Stansberry, Stansbury, Staples*, Starr, Statham, Steel, Steerman, Stephenson, Stewart, Stile, Stillings, Strange, Stubblefield, Summers, Sunderland, Sutherland, Swan, Sweatman
Taff*, Talbolt, Talbott, Talbotts, Talley, Tally, Tankersley, Tanner, Taylor, Tealfin, Teeney, Templeton, Thomas, Thomkitt, Thompson*, Thornburgh*, Thornhill, Thornton, Tillet, Tillett, Tittsworth, Tobler, Todd, Travillian, Trebber, Treder, Trodgen, Trogden, Troll, Tucker, Turner, Turnley*, Tylor
Vance*, Vandyke, Vickory, Vincent, Vinyard
Walden, Walker*, Walkers, Wallin, Walton, Ward, Warren, Watkins**, Watson, Weaver, Webb, Weistbrook, Welch, Wells, Wester, Whalen, White*, Whittington, Wilcockson, Wilkerson, William, Williams*, Williford, Willson, Wilson, Witt**, Wood*, Woodruff, Woods, Woodward, Wooten, Wootin, Worley, Wright, Wyatt
Yeo, Yod, York, Young
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