Carter County Tennessee TN 1836 Civil Districts Tax
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Carter County, Tennessee1836 Tennesee Civil Districts And Tax Lists
by James L. Douthat
29 Total Pages, 8.5 x11 , Full Name Index, Softcover, New Condition
This unique publication ties the ten (10) districts of
County with tax listings from 1836, 1837, 1838, or 1839. By matching the tax list with the
District Map
, a researcher can narrow the search for ancestors, eliminate those of similar names, and place ancestors in place and time.
For instance ... the town of WHATEVER is in District #12. Knowing this information allows a researcher to pinpoint cemeteries, churches, or surnames. The tax lists have been compiled from microfilm and are as faithful as possible to original spellings.
Check out our eBay store for more listings on Carter County.
* After the surname indicates
over 5 DIFFERENT first names
are listed under the surname.
** After the surname indicates
over 10 DIFFERENT first names
are listed under the surname.
Abner, Abney, Adams*, Anderson*, Arandell, Archer, Arendell, Arnold, Ashbrooks, Ashe, Asher, Asshbrooks
Bailey, Baker, Baley, Ball, Ballard, Barkehouse, Barry, Bass, Bassendine, Bassidine, Bassindine, Bayler, Bayley, Beak, Beamas, Beames, Bean, Beard, Berry, Billers, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackallen, Bland, Blevins, Blythe, Body, Bogard, Bogart*, Bole, Boon*, Boroughs, Bossindine, Bourn, Bowens, Bowerd, Bowers, Bowman, Bowren, Bowrman, Boyd, Boyed, Brabson, Bradford, Bradley, Bradrick, Bramsteller, Branner, Bransteller, Branstellers, Bridges, Briggs, Brimer, Brinkers, Brooks, Brown*, Buck, Buckner, Bullinger, Bunton, Burck, Burk, Buttinger, Byler, Bylor, Byrnes
Cable, Cain, Caldwell, Callihan, Campbell**, Campton, Carpenter, Carrier, Carriger***, Carriway, Carter*, Cartey, Carven, Carver, Casebolt, Cash, Cavebolt, Cayler, Chambers, Chaney, Charge, Chitsey, Clark, Clopon, Cobb*, Cocke, Coffee, Colboth, Cole, Collier, Colter, Colyer, Conner, Cook, Cooper**, Coopers, Coosson, Corriger, Cotter, Cox, Coyler, Craw, Crawley, Crawson, Crippin, Crosswhite, Crower, Culbaugh, Culbough, Culverson, Cumpton, Cuningham, Cunningham*, Curtis, Cutball, Cutberth*, Cutter
Daniel, David, Davidson**, Davis*, Dawalt, Dean, Deaton, Deeds, Dehart, Denham, Doe, Dorian, Drake, Dugard, Duggan, Duggar, Duggard*, Duggard, Duglass, Duncan, Dungan, Dungar, Dunian, Dunkin, Dunlap, Dyer
Eadon, Eastridge, Eden*, Edens, Edward, Edwards, Eimerley, Eliot, Elkins, Ellis, Ellot, Emmert, Emmert, Emmerty, Engle, English, Estep, Estip, Estridge, Estrige, Evans
Faris, Farmer, Fauster, Fayett, Fentrice, Findley, Firman, Fisher*, Fitzgarold, Flanary, Fleckinger, Flemming, Fletcher, Flhever, Folsom, Folson, Ford, Franks, Frasher
Gabbard, Garland**, Garretson, Garrettson, Gentry, Gibson, Gillam, Goodwin, Goodwinn, Gourley, Grant, Graver, Graves*, Green, Greer*, Gregory, Greyer, Griffin, Grindstaff*, Grinestaff, Grisham, Gwinn*, Gynne, Gyor
Hail, Haile, Haines, Hainey, Halton, Hammond, Hampton, Hanes, Harden, Hardin, Haring, Harman, Harmon, Harmond, Harris, Harrisson, Harvey, Hatcher, Haun, Hawn**, Haynes, Heart, Heatherick, Heatherly*, Heaton, Heatoz, Hedrick, Helton, Henderson, Hendricks, Hendrix, Hendry, Henry, Henson, Henver, Herrendon, Hickey, Hider, Hill, Hinbaugh, Hinson, Hise, Holland, Holley, Holliway, Hooker, Hooper, Hooser, House, Howard, Howell, Hudebergh, Hudeburgh, Hudeburk, Huffman, Hufman, Humphrey, Humphreys, Hurley, Hyder*
Ingle, Inmord, Ivey
Jackson, James, Jaynes, Jenkins, Jentry, Jinkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones*, Joney, Justice, Justin
Keen, Keys, Kimmons, King, Kite, Koon
Lackey, Lacy**, Lands, Larew, Large, LaRue, Lashbrooks, Laughlin, Law, Lawed, Lay, Leatherman, Lee, Lemmons, Lewis, Licklight, Lincoln, Linsay, Lindsey, Linih, Linvill, Lockhard, Lockhart, Logan, Lonce, Loniford, Louis, Love, Lovelip, Low, Loyd, Loyed, Lush, Lusk*, Luster, Lyon, Lyons
Maars, Mace, Maclin, Magehen, Majors, Makehen, Mallock, Mannor, Marterin, Martin, Masay, Mason, Matlock, Matticks, Maurice, Maxfield, Maxwell, May, Medlock, Meek, Megehen, Megeher, Mekehen, Mellock, Metlock, Miers, Millard, Miller**, Mingen, Mingers, Monehear, Montgomery, Moon, Moor*, Moore*, Mooreland, Moreland, Morgan, Morland, Morris, Mulkey, Mullins, Murry, Musgrave, Musgrove*, Myers
McAlister, McAllester, McCay, McCollister, McCormach, McCormack, McCoy, McCrackin, McCraw, McFall,*, McGee, McGeehen, McHenry, McInturf**, McInturff, McKamey, McKleyea, McKyea, McNabb**, McNully, McNutty, McQueen, McWilliams
Nabb, Nava**, Naver, Neatherly, Netherly, Newel, Newell, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholson, Norris, Nowland
Osborn, Overley, Owings
Pain, Parker, Parkey, Parkins, Parkinson, Parsons, Passons, Patten, Patteron, Patterson, Patton, Pattrick, Paxton, Payn, Payne, Payton, Pearce, Pearson, People, Peoples*, Perkins, Petecoat, Peter, Peters**, Peterson, Peticoat, Peticord, Petree, Petticord, Peve, Pevehouse, Peveyhouse, Phillips, Phillips, Pickins, Pirkins, Poland, Polllard, Polley, Polly, Porthro, Potter, Powel, Price, Primmer, Profit, Prophit, Pugh, Purson
Rainbolt*, Rainboth, Raizon, Range, Ranger, Rappie, Raxor, Ray, Razor, Reasoner, Redman, Reinbolt, Reneau, Renolds, Reser, Rey, Reynold, Reynolds, Richman, Richwell, Right, Rippy, Riser, Risteon, River, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rockhold, Rockwell, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Roiston, Roler, Rose, Russel, Russell, Ryston
Sanders, Sands, Savage, Savige, Schuyler, Scoggin, Scot, Scott, Scuyler, Seabolt, Seier, Sevier*, Sewel, Sewell, Sharp, Sheffield, Shirley, Shorn, Shoron, Shown, Sidners, Simmerly, Simpson, Skipper, Skippeth, Slimp, Slymp, Smallin, Smalling, Smawlin, Smiller, Smith**, Smothers, Snider, Snyder, Steele, Stephens, Stewart, Stogdon, Storm*, Stout*, Stoutndstaff, Stover**, Strayhan, Strewel, Stuart, Stuarts, Stump, Suel, Swact, Swanger, Sweney, Swingle
T-ite, T-terford, Taylor**, Terford, Terry, Thompkins, Thompson, Thomson, Thornton, Threewit, Threwit, Timmoney, Tipton**, Tompkins, Trifflenstrip, Troy, Tullis, Turnager, Twifford, Tyre, Tyree
Vaght, Vance, Vandegriff, Vandergriff, Vanderpool, Vanhoos, VanHoose, Vaught, Venoy, Vest, Viatirces, Vintreas, Vintrics
Waggoner, Waggonner, Walker, Walters*, Ward, Watts, Weatherly, Wells, West, Western, Weston, Wheeler, Wheley, White, Whitson**, Whitson, Widbey, Widnor, Wilds, Wiles, William, Williams**, Wills, Wilson**, Windham, Winsell, Wireman, Witson, Woodbey, Woodby, Worley, Wright, Write, Wyatt, Wyman
Yeates, Young
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