Coffee County Tennessee TN Bios History GENEALOGY
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Coffee County, Tennessee Biographies56 Pages, 8.5" x 11", Full Name Index, Soft Cover, Reprint
Originally printed in 1887 by Goodspeed, this
, 8.5" x 11" oversized reprint is crammed with names and sketches of
County pioneers and complimented by a history of the county.
Included in publication but
included in family sketch surnames index (below) are:
Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
Names of Registers & Terms in Office
Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
Surnames Included In This Publication
Adams, Adcock, Adrian, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Alwood, Anderson, Angel, Arnold, Arrington, Ashley, Astlay, Austell, Aydelott
Bailett, Baker, Baldridge, Banks, Barnes, Barton, Bashan, Bashaw, Bateman, Baxter, Bean, Beard, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bixey, Blackburn, Blackman, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakely, Blakemore, Blankenship, Blanton, Blood, Blythe, Bobo, Booth, Bowden, Boyd, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brandon, Brantley, Brantly, Brawley, Brewer, Brixey, Brown, Bryant, Buckaloo, Buckner, Burger, Burgie, Burham, Burke, Burnham, Burton, Busby, Butler, Butterworth
Call, Camden, Campbell, Carden, Carnes, Carney, Carroll, Carter, Casey, Castleman, Cate, Chandler, Charles, Cherry, Childress, Chilton, Clardy, Clark, Clay, Cleveland, Clift, Collins, Colston, Colwell, Colyer, Conley, Conwell, Cook, Corder, Corey, Cortner, Couch, Cowan, Cox, Crane, Crocker, Crockett, Cross, Cunnegan, Cunningham
Daniel, Daniels, Darnell, Darwin, Davidson, Davis, Deakins, Deckerd, DeCorzelius, Dewey, Dillard, Donnell, Douglass, Downey, Drake, Duncan, Dunlap
Edwards, Elan, Emack, Emerson, Emmerson, Enoch, Ensey, Eoff, Epley, Ervin, Estill, Evans, Ewell
Fain, Fariss, Farras, Farren, Farris, Farriss, Faulkner, Ferguson, Ferrill, Fisher, Fletcher, Flipp, Flippo, Franch, Frazier, French, Fulton
Gannaway, Gardner, Garrett, Gentry, Georg, Gibson, Gilbert, Givan, Good, Goodlow, Goodner, Gossett, Bowan, Graft, Graham, Grandberry, Grant, Grass, Gray, Green, Grimer, Grizzard, Gross, Gunn, Gurley
Haggard, Hale, Haley, Hampton, Hancock, Hanford, Harper, Harpole, Harris, Hart, Haynes, Heathcock, Hepp, Henry, Herald, Herriford, Hickerson, Hicks, Hickerson, Higgins, Hiles, Hinkle, Hodge, Hodgkins, Hogan, Holland, Hollander, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hough, Howard, Huffain, Huffar, Huffer, Huggins, Hunt
Ingle, Irwin, Isabell, Isbell
Jackson, Jacobs, Jenkins, Jernigan, Johnson, Jones
Keel, Keeling, Kennerly, Key
Lackey, Lambert, LaSater, Lawrence, Lawson, Layne, Leichleucher, Lewis, Lochmiller, Lowery, Lunley, Lusk, Lyon
McBee, McBride, McBrown, McCreary, McCrury, McCutcheon, McCutcheon, McDonald, McFaddin, McGinn, McGrew, McGuire, McLain, McLean, McLemore, McMirtle, McQuillin
Manchester, Mankin, Marby, Marbury, Marcell, Marchbanks, Marks, Marshall, Mason, Martin, Maxwell, May, Maynard, Mead, Meadows, Miller, Mitchell, Mohler, Monger, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Morton, Moulton, Murry
Neal, Needham, Nelson, Noah, Norton
Ohlemacher, Oldfield, Oliver, O'Neal, Owens
Parker, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Penn, Phillips, Pittman, Polk, Powell, Powers, Price, Prier
Ragon, Ragsdale, Rains, Rainwater, Ramsey, Rathbone, Rayburn, Ready, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Ridley, Rivers, Roach, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rollin, Rooth, Rosborough, Rosco, Rosecrans, Ross, Roughton, Rudd, Russell, Rutherford, Ruthledge
Sain, Schroeder, Scott, Seay, Seitz, Shake, Sheafe, Sheid, Sherrill, Short, Shroder, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Sloan, Smallman, Smartt, Smith, Stafford, Staley, Steagall, Steele, Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stone, Street, Strong, Stroud, Strowd, Stubblefield, Stump, Sutton
Taylor, Temple, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Tillman, Timmins, Timmons, Todd, Toliver, Tolliver, Townsend, Travis, Troost, Troxler, Turner
Vannoy, Vincent
Wafford, Waggoneer, Wagoner, Wait, Walden, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Walt, Ward, Watterson, Weaver, Webster, Wells, Whitaker, White, Whiteman, Whitesides, Whitson, Whitworth, Wiggins, Wildman, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winton, Witherby, Womack, Wood, Woodard, Woods, Wooten, Wooton, Wright, Wyatt
Yates, Yell
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