Dyer County Tennessee TN Biographies History GENEALOGY
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Dyer County Biographies69 Pages, 8.5 x 11, Full Name Index, Softcover, Reprint
Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this reprint is filled with sketches and information on
County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county. Surnames include:
Acree, Agee, Akin, Akins, Albritton, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Archibald, Armstrong, Arnet, Ashland, Asprog, Atkins
Baker, Ball, Ballard, Barnhill, Barker, Barringer, Bateman, Beasley, Beaumont, Beaver, Beisser, Bell, Benton, Bessent, Biggs, Bird, Clair, Bledsoe, Boaz, Boling, Bone, Boone, Bowen, Bowling, Brackin, Bradberry, Bradshaw, Branch, Brandon, Branks, Brantley, Brasfield, Brigham, Browder, Brown, Browne, Buchanan, Buck, Bullock, Bunnell, Bunnelle, Burgie, Burke, Burney, Burris, Burton, Butterworth, Byers, Byrd, Byrn
Caldwell, Campbell, Cannon, Cardwell, Carpenter, Carthal, Carthel, Carver, Cass, Cauley, Cawthorn, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamblin, Chase, Chatman, Chetwood, Childress, Childs, Chitwood, Christie, Chunn, Churchman, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cockraft, Cockroft, Coker, Coldough, Cole, Collier, Connell, Coover, Cotham, Cotton, Cowan, Crafton, Craig, Crawford, Crenshaw, Crockett, Culverson, Curry
Dabney, Dark, Daughtery, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Dayton, DeBerry, DeGraffenreid, Dement, Dickey, Dicksion, Ditmore, Dixon, Doak, Dougan, Doughty, Douglas, Doyle, Draper, Drapier, Dudley, Dunlap, Dyer
Eason, Eatherly, Eckols, Edwards, Endsley, Enoch, Esra, Ewing
Faithcloth, Fakes, Farmer, Fay, Featherston, Fentress, Ferguson, Ferrel, Fielder, Fields, Finch, Fiser, Fitzchew, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Flippin, Flowers, Ford, Forrest, Foster, Fowler, Fowlkes, Frazier, Friar, Frost, Fryer, Fuller, Fullerton
Gage, Gammons, Gaulden, Gauldin, Gentry, Gibson, Gillaspie, Gilmore, Glass, Gleves, Goldsmith, Goode, Goodloe, Goodlow, Goodrich, Gordon, Gray, Greeley, Green, Gregory, Grier, Grivenwood
Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hancock, Hanks, Hanmer, Hardin, Harper, Harrell, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hassell, Hawkins, Hawks, Hayes, Hays, Hector, Hedden, Henderson, Hendrick, Hendrix, Herd, Herinden, Herron, Hersh, Hibbitt, Hicks, Hill, Hillamen, Hinson, Habdey, Hobdey, Hollaman, Holland, Holloman, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Hood, Horn, Horner, Horrill, Hoskins, House, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hughlett, Huie, Hunsaker, Hunter
Inman, Irvin
Jackson, James, Jenkins, Jetton, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyce
Kenley, Kennedy, Kimbro, King, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Knox, Kohnmann
Lafferty, Lancaster, Landreth, Lane, Lanier, Latta, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lee, Leroy, Lewis, Light, Linsey, Lloyd, Locke, Love, Lucas, Lumpkin Lyrrell
McBride, McCall, McClerkin, McCombs, McCorkle, McCoy, McCrackin, McCrary, McCulloch, McCullough, McDade, McDaniel, McDavid, McDonald, McFarland, McGaray, McGaughey, McGhee, McGill, McGinnis, McGoughey, McIver, McKnight, McLemore, McMillan, McPherson, McRee, McSpaddin
Mabery, Manley, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Maury, Maxwell, Mayfield, Mays, Meadows, Menzies, Merrifield, Milam, Miller, Milliken, Mitchell, Moffat, Moore, Morris, Morrow, Mosley, Moss, Mulherring, Murphey, Murry, Muse
Nash, Neal, Newbel, Nichols, Nolan, Nooe, Norman, Northum, Norton
Oliver, O'Neal
Pace, Parker, Parks, Parr, Parton, Pate, Pauls, Payne, Pegram, Pendleton, Pettus, Petty, Phelen, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Pinner, Pitts, Plaut, Polk, Pollard, Pope, Porter, Powell, Pressley, Prichard, Pursell Ragains, Rane, Raney, Rawles, Rawls, Ray, Read, Reamey, Reed, Reeves, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Riggs, Roach, Roberson, Roberts, Robinson, Roddy, Rogers, Roney, Rook, Roper, Rose, Rounds, Rubke, Rudder, Russell, Rutherford, Ryall
Sampson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scott, Seate, Sexgraves, Sharp, Shaw, Shelton, Sherrill, Shipman, Simmons, Simpson, Sinclair, Skiffington, Smith, Snell, Solmson, Somers, Sommers, Sorrel, Sorrell, Spencer, Spicer, Spradling, Staggs, Stein, Stephenson, Stevans, Stevens, Steward, Stokes, Stone, Strahl, Strange, Strickland, Sugg, Summers, Swearengen, Swift
Talley, Tarkington, Tarrant, Tatom, Taylor, Terrell, Theadford, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thurmand, Tigrett, Tinsley, Todd, Totten, Townsend, Tucker, Turner, Turnley, Tyndall
Vaughn, Vernon, Viar
Waddlington, Wadkins, Waggoneer, Walker, Wallis, Walton, Ward, Warren, Warrens, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Way, Weakley, Webb, Webster, Wells, Westbrook, Wheeler, White, Whiteside, Whitwell, Wilburn, Wilderson, Wilkes, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Winter, Wood, Woodrize, Woods, Woolley, Wright, Wyatt, Wymer, Wynn, Wynne
Yates, Yeargin, York, Young
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