Giles County, Tennessee TN Bios History GENEALOGY
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Giles County, Tennessee BiographiesAuthor:
61 pgs. - The material for this volume were created in the mid-1880s by Goodspeed as this company compiled the biographical sketches of many families in each county. The materials came from the family themselves and therefore, is more accurate than we could find from other sources.
8 1/2 X 11
Soft Cover
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Abernathy, Abrams, Absalom, Acock, Adams, Alexander, Allen, Allman, Alsop, Amis, Anderson, Angus, Anthony, Armstrong, Arnett, Arrowsmith, Ars, Ashmore, Aymett
Bailey, Balch, Balentine, Ball, Ballentine, Barber, Barbour, Barnes, Barnett, Barrington, Bass, Batt, Batte, Baugh, Baxter, Baylor, Beasley, Beatty, Beaty, Beckwith, Bell, Bellantfant, Benjamin, Benson, Berry, Biffle, Birch, Black, Blackburn, Blair, Bledsoe, Blow, Blue, Blythe, Bmith, Boisseau, Booth, Bosin, Boss, Boulie, Bowen, Bowers, Boyd, Bozler, Braden, Bragg, Bramlett, Brannan, Brannon, Bray, Breckenridge, Bridwell, Brien, Briggs, Brinkle, Brook, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Brownlow, Bryant, Buchanan, Buford, Bugg, Bull, Bumpass, Burch, Burler, Butler
Cabe, Cable, Cahal, Caldwell, Callihan, Camody, Campbell, Cardwell, Carmack, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Casey, Cavnor, Centhall, Chambers, Chambliss, Chapman, Cheairs, Cheek, Chess, Chesser, Childers, Childress, Clack, Clark, Cleveland, Coats, Cobb, Coffee, Coffman, Collier, Collins, Compton, Connor, Cook, Coombs, Copeland, Corbt, Cowan, Cowper, Cox, Craft, Craig, Crockett, Crow, Crowson, Cullom, Cunningham, Curren
Dabney, Dailey, Dale, Daly, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Day, Dearing, Deaver, Dew, Dewey, Dickerson, Dickey, Dillahunty, Dixon, Dobbins, Dodd, Dodge, Donaldson, Donelson, Donnevan, Doren, Dougherty, Downing, Doyle, Drew, Dudley, Duncan, Dunn, Dyer
Easley, Eddins, Edmonson, Edwards, Elder, Eldridge, Eliff, Elledge, Elliff, Ellison, English, Erwin, Eubanks, Evans, Everly, Ewing, Ezell
Fallis, Faran, Farmer, Farres, Faust, Fay, Fenner, Field, Finley, Flautt, Flemming, Flinn, Flippin, Flourna, Flournoy, Fogg, Foote, Ford, Forrest, Foster, Foulks, Fowler, Franklin, Frierson, Fry, Fuller, Fussell
Garrett, Garrison, Gibbs, Gibson, Gideon, Gilbert, Giles, Girard, Glaze, Godfroy, Goff, Goldman, Gooch, Goodman, Gordon, Gough, Gracy, Graham, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greeley, Green, Griffis, Grigsby, Grimes, Guinn, Guthrie
Hagan, Haley, Hall, Hamby, Hamell, Hammond, Hampton, Hanby, Hannah, Hardiman, Harris Harrison, Hart, Harwell, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Hazlewood, Heindman, Heins, Held, Henderson, Herbert, Heron, Herron, Hickey, Hicks, Higenbotham, Hightower, Hobson, Hodge, Hodges, Hogan, Holden, Holly, Holman, Holt, Hood, Hooks, Hopkins, Hopson, Horwell, Howard, Hower, Hughes, Hunnicutt, Hunt, Huntsman, Hurlston, Hurst
Icter, Ingram, Inman, Inzer
Jackson, James, Jarmin, Jarnigar, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Judkins
Keenan, Kellam, Kelley, Kellum, Kelsey, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennon, Kercheval, Kimborough, Kimbrough, Kindred, Kirk, Kirley, Knox, Kouns, Kounts, Kyle Ladd, Laird, LaFaun, Lancaster, Lazerness, Leatherman, Lee, Leeper, Legg, Lester, Lewis, Lightfoot, LIme, Lindsey, Litherman, Little, Littleton, Logwood, Long, Loring, Lowry, Lynch, Lyons
McAshley, McCabe, McCall, McCallister, McCallum, McCanless, McCaul, McCollum, McCord, McCormack, McCormick, McCrackin, McCrory, McDonald, McGrew, McGuire, McKimmen, McKissack, McKnight, McLaurine, McLemore, McMillan, McNairy, McNune, McPeters, McRoberts
Maclin, Mack, Madison, Malone, Maney, Manning, Many, Maples, Marbett, Marterson, Martin, Mason, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Mayes, Mays, Mendum, Menifee, Meredith, Miller, Millhouse, Minns, Mirh, Mitchell, Moffitt, Monday, Montford, Montgeromy, Moody, Moore, Morell, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morton
Nance, Nassau, Nave, Neeley, Negley, Neil, Neiley, Nelson, Netherland, Nicholson, Norvell, Nye
O'Connor, O'Lenskey, Overstreet, Owen
Page, Paisley, Parker, Parmly, Parsons, Patrick, Paschall, Patrick Patter, Patterson, Patteson, Payne, Pearson, Peaton, Pemberton, Pendegrass, Pepper, Pepperson, Perkins, Perney, Perry, Petty, Phelps, Phillips, Pickens, Piden, Pillows, Pitts, Polk, Pollard, Poor, Porter, Potts, Powell, Price, Pryor, Pullen, Purcell, Purger, Pillow
Rackley, Ragsdale, Rainey, Rains, Rankin, Rasen, Rason, Ray, Reams, Reasonover, Rector, Reed, Reid, Reynolds, Rhae, Rhea, Rhoades, Rhodes, Richardson, Riddle, Ridenberry, Riggan, Riggs, Rivers, Roberts, Rogers, Rolland, Rose, Rosecrans, Rosenau, Ross, Rowe, Rowles, Roy, Royle, Royster, Rudd, Ruder, Ruthony, Rutledge
Sanders, Sappington, Scales, Schofield, Scott, Scruggs, Shannon, Sharon, Sharp, Shaw, Shepperd, Sherman, Shields, Shore, Short, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Skillerm, Skillern, Sloan, Smith, Smithson, Solinsky, Spafford, Spear, Speer, Spirey, Spofford, Springer, Stacy, Stanley, Starkweather, Steele, Stephenson, Sternau, Stevenson, Stewart, Stockard, Stone, Storall, Story, Strother, Summerhill, Suttle, Sweeney, Swinnea
Talbott, Taliaferro, Tarkington, Tarpley, Tate, Tatum, Taylor, Temple, Terrill, Terry, Thomas, Thomasson, Tidwell, Tinnon, Tipton, Tod, Toland, Tooey, Toomer, Topp, Tramier, Trotter, Tucker, Turner, Tutt
Upshaw, Upshot, Vance, Vincent
Wade, Wagstaff, Walker, Walls, Ward, Washington, Waters, Watson, Webb, Weir, Wells, West, Westmoreland, Wheeler, White, Whitfield, Whitson, Wilburn, Wilkerson, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Williford, Willis, Wilsford, Willis, Wilsford, Wilson, Winship, Winstead, Wisend, Witt, Woodring, Woods, Woodward, Wooten, Word, Worley, Wright
Yancy, Yerger, Yokely, Yorley, York, Young
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