McMinn County Tennessee TN WPA Records GENEALOGY
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McMinn County, Tennessee Records59 Pages, WPA Records, 8.5"x11", Surname Index, Perfect Bound
In the corner of an attic in Chattanooga, Tennessee, several hundreds of files lay gathering dust. Between the hunger of rats and insects, they were slowly being destroyed. Between the spider webs, dust, and mold there were records, lots of records ... church records, bible records, cemetery records, and miscellanous records.
Finally the true nature of the documents was confirmed: they were the lost WPA Records.
Here's a list of the 'lost' goodies found in this publication:
The History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Athens, TN
A List of Athens' Churches, pastors, etc.
Records abstracted from the Beaver, Bonner, Castell, Denton, Grant, Guthrey, Hafley, Hampton, Hutsell, Jarvis, Latham, Lewis, Mantooth, Matlock, Mathis, Nankivell, Patterson, Perry, Queener, Reed, Rudd, Snider, Spradling, and Wilson family Bibles.
(From the 1700s - early 1900s)
Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions for the entire old Cedar Grove Cemtery (where the pioneers are buried).
Adair, Adams, Adee, Agnew, Alexander, Allen, Alloway, Amis, Anderson, Andrews, Arnett, Arnold, Arnwine, Artre, Atlee, Atless, Aughard
Baker, Balfour, Ball, Ballard, Ballew, Banks, Barr, Baul, Bayless, Beard, Beavers, Bedow, Bells, Betterton, Bivens, Black, Blackwell, Blake, Blanghard, Blari, Blevins, Blizard, Blizzard, Body, Boggess, Boice, Boker, Bolton, Bonner, Boyd, Boyd, Bradford, Branan, Brazzelton, Briant, Bridges, Briggs, Brigham, Brillhart, Brown, Browning, Brownlow, Burchard, Burger, Burke, Burkett, Burnett, Burns, Burrow, Butram
Caldwell, Calhoun, Campbell, Candler, Cantreel, Carban, Carden, Cardin, Carmack, Carr, Carson, Carter, Cass, Casteel, Cate, Cathcart, Chamlee, Chastain, Cheney, Childress, Chilers, Clark, Clayton, Cleage, Cleveland, Cobleich, Cobleigh, Coggins, Coley, Collins, Cook, Cooke, Cotes, Cox, Crabtree, Craig, Cravey, Crawford, Creasman, Creech, Crittenden, Crofts, Crouch, Crow, Crowe, Crutchfield, Culberson, Culpepper, Cunningham, Curtis
Dacus, Dalton, Daly, Daniel, Davis, Dean, Dedrick, Delay, Dement, Dennis, Denton, Derrick, Dickey, Dixon, Dobson, Dodson, Dubois, Duff, Dugan, Duggan, Dunn, Dyer
Earheart, Early, Eaton, Eaves, Edgemon, Edgmon, Elder, Elliott, Ellis, Ely, Emerson, Emert, Engledow, Ensminger, Ereckson, Erwin, Ester, Estis, Evans
Farrell, Faster, Ferguson, Fields, Fisher, Fleming, Flory, Fore, Foree, Foster, Fox, Frank, Franklin, French, Frye
Gamble, Gardiner, Garten, Gass, Gaston, Gennoe, Gentry, George, Getty, Gettys, Gibson, Gilbert, Gillespie, Grant, Gray, Greenwood, Gregory, Gresham, Griffin, Grigg, Grimes, Grubb, Guille, Guinn, Guthrey, Guthrie
Hacker, Hafley, Haines, Hains, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hamburg, Hamby, Hamilton, Hampton, Handy, Hanks, Harbison, Harbitt, Harmon, Harris, Hart, Harton, Harwell, Hatcher, Haynes, Helm, Henderson, Hendon, Henninger, Henry, Hewis, Hickox, Hicks, Higkox, Hilliard, Hoback, Hoge, Holder, Holdredge, Holgom, Holt, Hornsby, Horton, Hoss, Hounshell, Houston, Howard, Hoyl, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurst, Hutsell, Hyatt, Hyden
Irvin, Isbell, Ivinis, Ivins
Jackson, Jamerson, James, Jarvis, Jeffers, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Joins, Jones, Jordan
Kamy, Keeton, Keirn, Keith, Kelley, Kennedy, Keyes, Kilgore, Kilzoe, Kinder, King, Kinser, Knox, Kyker
Ladue, Lafferty, Lambert, Lane, Lankford, Lasater, Latham, Lauderdale, Lawson, Ledbetter, Ledford, Lee, Leith, Lester, Leveck, Lewis, Lide, Lindner, Lingerfelt, Lipscomb, Lockmiller, Logan, Long, Lowe, Lowry, Lunsford, Lusk, Luter, Luther, Lyons
McAffrey, McCann, McClaskey, McConkey, McCracken, McDaniel, McDermott, McDowell, McElwee, McEwen, McGahey, McGaughey, McGill, McKamey, McKeldin, McKenzie, McKinney, McLaughlin, McMurray, McNeilis, McRoberts, McSpadden, McWhorter
Magill, Mahery, Malone, Manery, Mann, Mantooth, Mardith, Marston, Martin, Mary, Mason, Mathas, Mathews, Mathis, Matlock, Matthews, Maxwell, May, Mayo, Meek, Melear, Melton, Meredith, Merrill, Meyer, Miller, Monroe, Moody, Moore, Moreland, Morgan, Morris, Morrow, Moses, Moss, Mulkey, Murray, Murrell
Nankivell, Nation, Neil, Nervell, Netherland, Newman, Nice, Nile, Nipper
Officer, Owen
Palmer, Pardue, Parker, Parkison, Parris, Parrott, Parsons, Partain, Patterson, Patton, Pearce, Pearson, Peck, Pemberton, Perry, Peters, Petty, Philips, Picklesimer, Piearce, Pierce, Pilgrim, Pitman, Plank, Plumlee, Powers, Prater, Prichard, Pritchett, Proudfoot, Pyot
Queener, Quinn
Randolph, Rankin, Rayl, Records, Reed, Reeder, Reid, Renegar, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Richeson, Riddle, Rider, Roach, Robers, Roberts, Robeson, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rothwell, Rouse, Rowden, Rowland, Rudd, Rumple, Russell, Rutter
Sallee, Sample, Sanders, Sautell, Sawtell, Scott, Seever, Seharn, Sehorn, Sehorns, Self, Sharits, Shealds, Shell, Shelton, Sherlin, Sherman, Shoemaker, Shoffeitt, Shugart, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sites, Slack, Sliger, Slimp, Slover, Smith, Snider, Snyder, South, Spence, Spiggle, Spradling, Spradling, Spurlin, Spurling, Stalcup, Standridge, Stanfield, Stanton, Starr, Starrett, Steeed, Stevens, Stewart, Stone, Stout, Strange, Stringfield, Stum, Sugart, Sullivans, Suton, Sutton, Sweeney
Tallent, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Tomlisoln, Torrence, Triplett, Trusley, Tuck, Tucker, Tuell, Tumblin, Turley, Turner
Ulrey, Underdown, Underwood
Van Dyke, Vaughan, Vaughn
Wade, Wafford, Walker, Wallace, Waller, Ware, Waters, Watson, Wattenbarger, Wattles, Watts, Webb, Webster, Weir, Welch, West, Wester, Wexler, Wilcox, Wilds, Wilkins, Williams, Wilson, Witcher, Woods Woolsey, Wright
Yarber, Yarberry, Young
Ziegler, Zimmerman
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