Morgan County Tennessee TN Bible Cemetery Records NAMES
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Morgan County, Tennessee Bible & Cemetery Records40 Pages, 8.5"x11", WPA Records, Full Name Index, Softcover, Reprint, New Condition
The Bible and Cemetery records found in this publication were collected by W.P.A. Workers during the Depression.
The records were originally written down in pencil on notebook paper. This work contains the entire file of all records collected by W.P.A. Workers through 1939.
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To help you along the way, here are the surnames listed in this publication. If (**) appears after the surname, more than six (6) individual names are referenced.
Abbot, Adams, Adcox, Addington, Adkins, Adsmond, Alley(**), Alnord, Anderson(**), Archer, Arrowood(**)
Banyord, Barnes, Bate, Beaty(**), Beosley(**), Bingham(**), Blake(**), Bonham, Bourne, Bowmer(**), Brenstetter, Brooks, Brown(**), Bullard, Byrd(**)
Cagley, Calletle(**), Canup, Carney, Carpenbter, Carpenter, Cash, Cherry, Clark(**), Coffey, Coffman, Cole(**), Collins(**), Cook, Cooper(**), Corum, Cox(**), Craig, Cromwell
Daugherty, Davidson, Davison, Dawson, Delius, Dennis, Dillar, Duncan, Cunington, Dunsmore
Edward, Edwards(**), Eldridge, England
Farmer, Farr, Farrienton, Ferman, Fisher, Fowler, Foylem, Francis, Fulton
Garleveski, Garrett(**), Gibson, Gillette, Gillis(**), Goforth, Goldston(**), Goldstone, Guffy
Hale, Hall(**), Hammond, Hannahan, Allen(**), Hanse, Hardie, Haskell, Hayworth, Headrick, Hedrick, Holley, Howard, Hown, Hunt, Hurst(**), Huskins
Jacks, James, Janes, Jaruis, Johnson, Jones(**)
Kemper, Kendrick, Kindrick, King, Kitchen, Kittell, Kittrell, Krupa
Lane, Lavender(**), Laymance, Lee, Loyler, Lunn, Lyngh, Lyons(**), Lyrd, Lytle
McGhee, McGill(**), McMahan
Maguffee, Mahan, Martinean, Mason, Matilda, May, Meister, Miles(**), Miller,
Moates(**), Moore, Morseman, Mullins
Naramore, Nash, Needham, Neil(**), Norman, Norris(**)
Olmstead, Olmsteod, Olson, Ooten, Ornseod, Ostramski, Owins
Pace(**), Pagel, Paller, Parson, Payne(**), Petitt, Philips, Phillips, Pittman(**), Pittmann, Pollard, Potter(**), Powell(**), Purl, Purvis
Quicker, Quillen, Quillis
Rankin, Rew, Rich, Ritter, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Rogers, Root, Roppe, Ross, Runion, Ruth, Ryan, Ryon, Ryhons
Scott, Sharpe, Shelton, Shonnins, Simmons, Simpson, Singers, Smas, Smith(**), Snow, Snyder, Spirling, Spurling, Stafa, Stansbury, Staples, Sternberg, Stone, Strand, Summer, Summers
Taner, Taylor, Thomas, Todd(**), Tyalor
Vanasthean, Vann, Voyles
Waddell, Walls, Ward, Watson, Weedman, Weiles, Weiver, Welch, Wheeler, Whipple, White, Wild, Wilds, Willard, William, Williams, Willis(**), Wyatt
Zalorski, Zeller, Zumstein(**)
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