
North Carolina Sketches, Historical & Biographical

$ 6.33

Availability: 19 in stock
  • Format: CD
  • Type: School History
  • State: North Carolina
  • Condition: New CD with scanned pages from original publications.
  • Subject: History


    History of
    Edgecombe County, NC
    By J. Kelly Turner & Jno. L. Bridges, Jr.,
    Published 1920, 553 pages, searchable
    - Bonus #1 -
    Early Social Life of
    By Gaston Lichtenstein
    Published 1904, 20 pages, searchable
    - Bonus #2 -
    Great Events of
    NC History
    By NC Daughters of the Revolution
    Published 1905, 218 pages, searchable
    Requires Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher to View
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    The county was formed in 1741 from
    . It was named for Richard Edgcumbe, a Member of Parliament from
    1701 to 1742 and a lord of the treasury, who became 1st Baron Edgcumbe in 1742.
    In 1746 part of
    ; in 1758 another part became
    ; in 1777 yet
    another part became
    . In 1855 the formation of
    from parts of
    , and
    reduced Edgecombe to its present dimensions, aside from minor boundary adjustments.
    Chapter I
    Origin And Settlement
    Colonial Government
    Chapter III Revolution
    Chapter IV Politics After the Revolution
    Chapter V Slavery
    War Between The States
    VII and VIII
    Politics Since
    Agriculture, Industries And Internal Improvement
    XI Education
    Presbyterians And Sons Of Temperance
    Surname index
    Abbott, Abington, Abrams, Adam, Adams, Agar, Alderman, Allen, Alsbon, Alston, Alton, Alvis, Amason, Anderson, Andrews, Anthony, Archer, Arnhiem, Arnold, Arrenton,
    Arrington, Asbury, Ashe, Askin, Aston, Atkinson, Austin, Author, Aycock, Badger, Badgett, Baggarly, Bagley, Baker, Bakerman, Ballou, Balmore, Bar, Barbee, Barbour,
    Baring, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnhill, Barnwell, Barren, Barron, Barrow, Base, Baskerville, Bass, Battle, Batts, Baxter, Beaman, Beatty, Beaucroft, Beauregard, Beck,
    Belamy, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Benton, Bertley, Best, Betts, Bevely, Bibb, Biggs, Bignal, Bignall, Billings, Bingham, Bishop, Blackledge, Blair, Blake, Blalock,
    Bloodworth, Blount, Bobbit, Boddie, Bodeley, Bognor, Bolles, Bond, Borden, Bourne, Bowditch, Bowers, Boyd, Boyee, Bozeman, Bradford, Bradley, Bragg, Brake, Brame,
    Branch, Brann, Branwell, Braswell, Bray, Breedlove, Bridgers, Bridges, Brien, Briggs, Brimage, Briton, Britt, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bryan, Bryant, Buchanan, Buck,
    Bullard, Bullock, Bunn, Bunns, Buns, Bunting, Buren, Burgess, Burgis, Burke, Burkett, Burkitt, Burnett, Burney, Burnside, Burrington, Burrow, Butler, Butts, Bynum, Caldwell,
    Calhoon, Calhoun, Campbell, Camper, Canby, Canes, Carney, Carr, Carson, Carter, Cary, Casey, Caswell, Casy, Cattle, Cavenah, Chapman, Chase, Chauncy, Cheatam,
    Cheatham, Cherry, Cheshire, Childs, Ciralia, Clare, Clark, Clarks, Clarkson, Clay, Clayton, Clement, Clements, Cleveland, Clingman, Cobb, Coffield, Cofield, Cogdell,
    Coleman, Collens, Comwell, Connor, Conyers, Cook, Cooper, Copes, Copfield, Copland, Corbin, Cornish, Cornwallis, Cornwell, Cosby, Cotaunch, Cotaunchrist, Cotten,
    Cotton, Covington, Cowan, Cowell, Cox, Craig, Craton, Creel, Crenshaw, Crisp, Cromwell, Cross, Crowell, Culpepper, Cumings, Cummings, Cunninggin, Curtis, Cutchen,
    Cutchin, Dalton, Dancey, Dancy, Daniel, Daniels, Darden, Dargan, Dargon, Darnell, Daughtridge, Davenport, Daves, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Dean, Deans, Deavans,
    Deceece, Deed, Deems, Dew, Dickens, Digges, Dixon, Dobbs, Dodson, Doll, Donelson, Donnell, Dorman, Dortch, Douglass, Dowd, Downing, Dromgoole, Duck, Dudley,
    Duggan, Duggen, Dugger, Dunbar, Dunford, Dunn, Dupre, Dupree, Durham, Durien, Durkins, Eagles, Eason, Edgerton, Edmunson, Edwards, Elleanor, Elleby, Ellenor, Elliott,
    Ellis, Ellison, Empie, Englehard, Eppes, Epps, Ervin, Evans, Evart, Ewell, Exum, Fagg, Failey, Falkner, Fallon, Fanning, Farmer, Farnan, Farrar, Farrer, Ferebee, Fetter,
    Fillmore, Fiske, Flemming, Fletcher, Flora, Flowers, Floyd, Fly, Forbes, Foreman, Forest, Fort, Foster, Fountain, Fowles, Foxhall, French, Frost, Fugua, Fulford, Fund,
    Furches, Gabriel, Gamble, Gano, Gant, Gardener, Garret, Garrett, Gaston, Gathings, Gatlin, Gay, George, Gibbons, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gilespie, Gilliam, Glenn, Gloss,
    Godley, Gold, Goodloe, Goodson, Goodwin, Goose, Gorham, Gorhams, Graham, Gray, Green, Greene, Gregory, Griffin, Griswold, Guin, Guion, Gurley, Guthrie, Hadley,
    Hadly, Hagins, Haigwood, Hall, Halling, Halmington, Hamilton, Hammond, Hammonds, Hand, Harding, Hardy, Hargett, Hargrave, Hargrove, Harlee, Harrell, Harrington,
    Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Harvey, Hasell, Hassell, Hattan, Havens, Hawkins, Hawks, Hayes, Hayne, Haynes, Haywood, Heaton, Heavill, Hebbard, Helper, Henderson,
    Hendricks, Henris, Henry, Herdon, Hibbard, Hicks, Hight, Hill, Hilliard, Hines, Hinton, Hitch, Hobbs, Hodge, Hoffman, Hogans, Hoke, Holden, Holderness, Holmes, Holt,
    Home, Hooper, Hopper, Horde, Horn, Hoskins, House, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hoyt, Hudson, Huffman, Hughes, Humphreys, Hundley, Hunt, Hunter, Hurt, Hussey,
    Hyatt, Hyde, Hyman, Innes, Irwin, Irwins, Ives, Jackson, James, Jarvis, Jefferson, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnsons, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joseph, Joyner,
    Kane, Keech, Kelly, Kenan, Kennedy, Kenner, Kerney, Killebrew, Killelnew, Killibrew, Kimbrough, Kinchen, Kinchin, King, Kitchen, Kitchin, Knight, Knights, Krause,
    Lamb, Lancaster, Lane, Langston, Latham, Laughinghouse, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Lay, Leach, Leachmon, Lee, Leggett, Leggitts, Leigh, Leland, Lemon, Lenoir, Leslie,
    Leventhrope, Lewis, Lincoln, Lindsay, Linsey, Litchenstein, Little, Lloyd, Long, Lovelace, Lowe, Loyd, Lyman, Lyon, Lyons, Mabrey, Mabson, Mace, Macmanary,
    Macquinny, Madison, Magruder, Maguinny, Major, Mallet, Mallett, Maner, Mangum, Manly, Mann, Manning, Mapson, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, May, Mayo,
    McAden, McAlpine, McCabe, McClellan, McCotton, McCullen, McCulloch, McCullogh, McCulloh, McDougal, McDowell, McKendree, McKinley, McKinney,
    McNair, McRae, McWilliams, Mead, Meglarre, Mercer, Meredith, Meridith, Merrith, Merritt, Mettles, Miler, Miller, Milliken, Millikin, Mills, Mitchell, Mitrick, Moir, Moore,
    Moran, Mordecai, Morgan,Morris, Morton, Moses, Moy, Moye Murphy, Murray, Nash, Nashes, Nelson, Nettle, Newson, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholson, Nobles, Norfleet,
    Norman, Norville, Norwood, O'Berry, Obrien, Odom, Oglethorpe, Oneal, O'Quinn, Outlaw, Overstreet, Owen, Owens, Page, Pageot,, Paine, Palamountain, Palmer,
    Palmore, Parker, Parris, Patterson, Pattilo, Payne, Pearce, Peck, Pedicord, Peebles, Pell, Pemberton, Pender, Penders, Pendleton, Pennington, Perason, Perry, Person,
    Pervis, Peters, Peterson, Pettigrew, Petway, Philips, Phillips, Pickett, Pierce, Pilkinton, Pilmoor, Pippen, Pippin, Pippins, Pitt, Pittman, Poffenberger, Polk, Pool, Poole,
    Pope, Porter, Potts, Powell, Poythress, Pratt, Price, Prince, Procter, Proctor, Province, Purnel, Purnell, Ragsdale, Ramseur, Ramson, Randolph, Ransom, Ravenscroft,
    Read, Reavis, Redmond, Reed, Reggs, Reid, Rhodes, Rice, Richmond, Ricks, Riggs, Robards, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rodgers, Rodman, Rogers,
    Ross, Rountree, Royal, Royster, Ruffin, Russell, Ruth, Rutherford, Ryley, Sabin, Sale, Sanderlin, Sanders, Sane, Sanford, Saunders, Savage, Schultz, Scott, Sears,
    Selbank, Sergeant, Sessum, Sessums, Shackleford, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shell, Shelton, Sheppard, Sherman, Sherry, Sickles, Sidebulton, Simmons, Singletary,
    Sizer, Skinner, Slack, Slaughter, Smith, Smithson, Snithen, Sojuorner, Souther, Spaight, Speed, Speight, Speir, Spell, Spence, Spencer, Sperry, Spier, Spragins,
    Spruill, Stamper, Stamps, Stanberry, Stancil, Stanley, Starky, Station, Staton, Stearns, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stokes, Stone, Strebeck, Stringer,
    Strudwick, Stuart, Stubbs, Sturdivant, Styron, Sugg, Suggs, Suggses, Summer, Summerell, Summerlin, Swain, Swindell, Tander, Tanner, Taping, Tarleton, Tatton,
    Taylor, Teachey, Teal, Teel, Telfair, Tew, Thigpen, Thomas, Thomas,, Thompkins, Thompson, Thorn, Thorne, Thorpe, Thrash, Tilden, Tillery, Todd, Tolar, Toney,
    Tool, Toole, Tooles, Tools, Tryon,Tucker, Tunnell, Turner, Turson, Tyler, Tyson, Van Buren, Vance, Vanhorn Vanmeter, Vichous, Vickers, Vines, Wagner, Walker,
    Wallace, Walpole, Walston, Ward, Warnock, Warren, Washington, Watsman, Watson, Watts, Way, Wayland, Weathersbee, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Webster,
    Weddell, Weeks, Weller, Wells, Wesson, Weston, Wharton, Whatcoat, Wheatly, Wheeler, Whenny, Whichard, Whitaker, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehurst,
    Whitfield, Whitley, Whitted, Whittlesey, Wider, Wigfall, Wiggins, Wilcox, Wiley, Wilkerson, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wimberly, Wimborne,
    Winbourne, Winly, Winston, Withers, Wood, Woodard, Woodmason, Wool, Wooten, Worseley, Worsley, Worth, Wren, Wright, Wyatt, Wynn, Wytt, Yellowley,
    Young, Zoella, Zoeller,
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