Washington County Tennessee TN Biographies GENEALOGY
$ 4.75
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Washington County, Tennessee Biographies47 Pages, 8.5"x11", Softcover, Full Name Index, Reprint
Originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in 1887, this 47-page reprint is filled with sketches and names of
County pioneers and complimented by a brief history of the county.
Surnames Included In This Publication
Acton, Adams, Aiken, Aikin, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Arken, Armstrong, Arnold, Asher, Atkinson, Avery
Bacon, Baird, Baker, Balch, Barkley, Barnes, Barr, Barskdale, Barton, Battle, Baawn, Baxter, Bayless, Beam, Bean, Beard, Bell, Biddle, Bird, Blackburn, Blair, Blount, Bolinger, Boone, Boring, Bovell, Bowman, Boyd, Bricker, Briggs, Britton, Brown, Browlow, Broyles, Buchanan, Burgner, Burroughs, Burrow, Burson, Burton, Burts, Byers
Caldwell, Calvent, Campbell, Carmichael, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Carty, Cate, Chamberlain, Chesnutt, Chester, Chisolm, Claiborne, Clark, Clarke, Clem, Cobb, Coffin, Collins, Conley, Converse, Cooper, Copp, Cosson, Cowan, Cox, Crawford, Critzman, Crouch, Crough, Cruch, Crumley, Cummings, Cunningham
Damson, Davis, Deaderick, Deakens, Deakins, Dearborn, Denton, DePew, DeVault, Dickinson, Dillingham, Dilworth, Doak, Dobson, Doherty, Doren, Dosser, Douglass, Duncan, Dungan, Dunham, Dunlap, Dyer
Earnest, Eason, Ellis, Elsea, Embree, Emerson, Emory, Epperson, Erwin, Estes, Etheridge
Fain, Fair, Farr, February, Ferguson, Foglesong, Foot, Fowler, Fraber, Frost
Gammon, Garber, Gaut, Gentry, Gibson, Gifford, Gillespie, Gilliland, Gist, Glaze, Glenn, Gobble, Gollehon, Goodin, Gourley, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greer, Gregory, Griffith, Grimes, Grisham
Hacker, Hale, Hamilton, Hammer, Hannah, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hassh, Hawes, Haynes, Henderson, Hendricks, Henshaw, Hickey, Hill, Hodge, Hodges, Holback, Hollis, Holt, Honaker, Hoskins, Hoss, Houghton, House, Howard, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter
Inman, Isaac, Isbell
Jackson, Jdoak, Jobe, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jroane
Keebler, Keel, Keels, Keen, Keezel, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kerr, Keys, King, Kirkpatrick, Kitzmiller, Klepper, Kyker
Lacey, Lacy, Lake, Lane, Layman, Leab, Lee, Lide, Lipscombe, Long, Love, Lovely, Lucas, Lucky, Luttrell, Lyle, Lyon, Lytton
McAllister, McBee, McCorkle, McCoy, McCray, McDowell, McFall, McFarland, McFerrin, McGaughey, McGinty, McKee, McLin, McMahan, McMahon, McNabb, McNairy, McNamee, McPherson
Mackin, Madison, Mahoney, Markwood, Martin, Mason, Mathes, Matson, Matthes, Maxwell, May, Merritte, Miller, Mingle, Minton, Mitchell, Moffitt, Mongle, Montgomery, Moody, Mooman, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Murphy, Murray
Naff, Nash, Nave, Nelson, Newell, Nolan, Norwood
O'Brien, Owens
Painter, Parks, Parry, Pearsons, Patterson, Patton, Payne, Pearn, Penn, Peoples, Pettibone, Phillips, Porsley, Pouder, Powell, Price, Pritchett, Pugh, Pursley, Putnam
Ramsey, Randolph, Range, Rankin Reed, Reese, Reeve, Reeves, Rhea, Rhine, Rice, Robertson, Robinson, Rogan, Rorex, Ruble, Russell, Rutherford, Ryland
St. John, Scudden, Seaver, Seehorn, Sells, Sevier, Shannon, Sharp, Shelby, Shipley, Shurley, Simms, Sims, Slaughter, Smith, Smiyth, Snapp, Spann, Spencer, Spurgeon, Stafford, Steele, Stephens, Stephenson, Stewart, Stout, Strain, Stuart, Stubblefield, Swingle
Tadlock, Talbott, Tate, Taylor, Teeter, Telford, Thompson, Thornburgh, Tilford, Tipton, Trimble, Tucker, Tyler
Vance, Vanlier, Varnum, Vaughn, Vincent
Waddell, Waddill, Wagner, Wallace, Walter, Walton, Ward, Warlick, Waterbury, Watson, Wells, West, Wheeler White, Whitson, Willett, Williams, Willoughby, Wilson, Wise, Witherspoon, Wood, Woodrow, Wood, Woods, Wooldridge, Worth, Wright, Wyer
Yager, Yeager, Young
Included in publication but
included in family sketch surnames index (above) are:
Names of Sheriffs & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the County Court & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks of the Circuit Court & Terms in Office
Names of Registers & Terms in Office
Names of Trustees & Terms in Office
Names of Clerks/Masters & Terms in Office
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